Present international standard is the IPPC 15 guideline issued by the United Nations.
What are IPPC and ISPM15 ?
IPPC= International Plant Protection Convention
Suborganisation of Food and Agriculture Organisation by the United Nations
The ISPM 15= International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures 15 is the
international guideline refering international shipment with wooden packaging
The aim of these measures is the protection of domestic woods (flora) against
import of wood attacking pests.
Treatment method:
HT – Heat Treatment at 56°degrees C for >30 min by drying or impregnation
MB – Methyl Bromid (Gas treatment – forbidden in Germany)
Permanent symbol on two opposite sides of the package
What are IPPC and ISPM15 ?
IPPC= International Plant Protection Convention
Suborganisation of Food and Agriculture Organisation by the United Nations
The ISPM 15= International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures 15 is the
international guideline refering international shipment with wooden packaging
The aim of these measures is the protection of domestic woods (flora) against
import of wood attacking pests.
Treatment method:
HT – Heat Treatment at 56°degrees C for >30 min by drying or impregnation
MB – Methyl Bromid (Gas treatment – forbidden in Germany)
Permanent symbol on two opposite sides of the package
…… some things you BETTER not forget !